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Click for Larger Image Enclosed Box Speakers for Multimedia, Computer and Game Applications

These speakers are typically used in notebook and desktop computers, LCD TV, LCD monitors, multi-media speaker assemblies, earphones, mobile phones and similar applications. 


SIZE (mm) Imped Power (W)  Freq. Resp. Res. Freq. SPL (dB) Wt  
ohms (Hz) Freq. (± 3dB) (gm)  
L W H ±15% Nom Max   (Hz) 1W/1M    
1635IIBOX-01 52.9 18.0 14.0 8 2.0 3.0 450 20K 350 78 9.2 dwg
1635VIIBOX-01 44.0 20.0 8.0 16 1.0 1.5 900 20K 1300 81 5.5 dwg
2040IVBOX-01 57.5 23.0 14.5 4 2.5 4.0 400 20K 450 88 13.5 dwg
2040IBOX-02 80.0 25.0 20.0 4 2.0 3.0 350 20K 660 82 21.4 dwg
2040IVBOX-08 57.5 23.0 14.5 4 2.5 4.0 400 20K 720 88 13.5 dwg
2840IIIBOX-02 28.6 40.0 26.0 4 2.0 3.0 320 20K 620 82 21.4 dwg
2840IVBOX-01 60.5 33.0 18.0 8 2.0 4.0 380 20K 600 83 52.5 dwg
2840VIIBOX-05 80.0 31.0 18.0 8 2.0 4.0 300 20K 640 85 27.5 dwg
3636IBOX-08 70.0 38.0 16.0 8 3.0 5.0 300 20K 470 83 98.0 dwg
3636VBOX-01 52.0 46.0 27.0 8 2.0 3.0 130 20K 240 81 55.0 dwg
36IBOX-02 150.0 40.0 24.5 16 5.0 8.0 250 20K 370 85 70.2 dwg
36IBOX-07 150.0 40.0 24.5 8 7.0 10.0 300 20K 500 84 69.0 dwg
45IIBOX-09 68.0 53.5 28.0 4 3.0 5.0 320 20K 560 82 57.0 dwg
45IBOX-01 76.5 69.5 23.5 4 2.0 4.0 150 20K 300 86 54.9 dwg
ZY-LTS-67 100.0 40.0 19.0 8 5.0 8.0 180 20K 280 81 71.2 dwg
ZY-LTS-39 300.0 56.0 50.0 8 10.0 15.0 120 20K 260 77 301.2 dwg


1635iibox-01.JPG (25629 bytes) 1635iibox-01b.JPG (105268 bytes) 2040ivbox-01_08.JPG (144742 bytes) 4ohm2w.jpg (130262 bytes) 2840IIIbox-02.jpg (16640 bytes) 2840ivbox01a.JPG (20543 bytes)
1635IBOX-01 1635IIBOX-01 2040IVBOX-01/8 2040IBOX-02 2840IIBOX-02 2840IVBOX-01
2840viibox-05.jpg (18727 bytes) 36ibox-02.jpg (503183 bytes) 3636ibox-08b_170.JPG (31808 bytes) 3636vbox-01b_170.JPG (34698 bytes) 45ibox-01.JPG (222435 bytes) 45IIbox-09.jpg (14161 bytes)
2840VIIBOX-05 36IBOX-02 3636IBOX-08 3636VBOX-01 45IBOX-01 45IIBOX-09
ZYLTS39_b.JPG (174607 bytes) zy-lts-67.jpg (38793 bytes)


Shokai Far East Ltd. 9 Elena Court  Cortlandt Manor NY 10567 914-736-3500 Fax: 914-736-3656 
E-mail: sales@shokaifareast.com   http://www.shokaifareast.com