Home > Transformers & Adaptors > Miniature Power  Adaptors 

A miniature wall mount AC-DC adaptor which reduces the size and weight requirements of a traditional wall mount adaptor. Features:
bulletSpace savings
bulletLight Weight (85 grams)
bulletHigh Power Output/High Efficiency
bulletOverload & Short Circuit Protection 
bulletCE, UL, TUV/GS and other approvals*
bulletModels Available for 115 or 230VAC Input
bulletFlat or In-Line Case Styles
Part Number Scheme (example): MA-110-I-0408
(Mini-Adaptor, 110VAC Input, In-Line Case, 4.5VDC 0.8Amp)
MA Series 


Full Load Output 

Output Power



115VAC Input Models or 230VAC Input Models 

- 0408

4.5 0.8 3.6
- 0610 6.0 1.0 6
- 0711 7.5 1.1 8
- 0911 9.0 1.1 10

I Series (In-Line)

-1012 10.5 1.2 12

48.3MM L x 34.7MM W x 21.7MM H

-1212 12.0 1.2 14

-1312 13.5 1.2 16

-1512 15.0 1.2 18
-1612 16.5 1.2 20
-1811 18.0 1.1 20
-1911 19.5 1.1 21
-2410 24.0 1.0 24

F Series (Flat)

-3008 30.0 0.8 24

49.1MM L x 32.9MM W x 26MM H

-3608 36.0 0.8 29

-4007S 40.0 0.7 28

-4806S 48.0 .6 29
Approvals: UL 115VAC 4.5V to 24V. TUV 230VAC 4.5V to 24V. 
Dimensions and specifications subject to change without notice.

Shokai Far East Ltd. 9 Elena Court  Cortlandt Manor NY 10567 914-736-3500 Fax: 914-736-3656 
E-mail: sales@shokaifareast.com   http://www.shokaifareast.com